January 31, 2011

Bebop Times: Take Five

Bebop Times: Take Five: "On my 11th birthday, my dad handed me an orange album titled Time Out. 'Dave Brubeck,' he said. 'Now, this is great music. Listen to 'Take F..."

January 13, 2011

Universal Delving

Universal Delving
Originally uploaded by stormbirdstudio
Snowflake coffee,
eggs and the function of art,
war and physics and gravy on toast,
four companions on a January morning
describe in words the world about
and measure inside the space of a universe
with a burning fire.

January 4, 2011

Look brightly

Brightly looks the world to us, all wet and coloured and running into the earth so I made a tiny show of it, look though artist's eyes:

January 3, 2011

Dark terror

dying terrified in the dark,
thousands of red-winged
behind the cannon after the tornado,
arkansasians blast a hole in the new year.