July 7, 2011

Here Comes The Sun

Here Comes The Sun
Originally uploaded by stormbirdstudio
portrait of some sunspots, Here Comes The Sun ornament, 16" for
Youngstown University Festival of The Arts
web.ysu.edu/sfa/ . .
See more at http://www.facebook.com/dianaludwigart

Learn more about the sun by reading books here

April 9, 2011

The Lion Princess uplifts youth with a wonderful story & helps animal rescues!

The Lion Princess' story to be given out as incentives to donors to animal rescues across the Texas Panhandle & hopefully the country ~ help her help animal rescues! Only 8 days left! KS allows even just a $1 backers & if the total goal is not met no $$ changes hands at all ~ no risk for any backer! Please "Share", thanks! Her Link: http://kck.st/hHK9Fu  Please help our Lion Princess project on Kickstarter help animal advocay groups - she has only 8 more days to make her goal or down the tubes she goes :( can't help Shelter Rescues that way! - KS lets anyone help out with even just a dollar - or even a "LIKE" or a "Share"d link would be a blessing - thanks so much for passing this on! Listen to our audios if u have time.  Go to the KS page to LIKE: http://kck.st/hHK9Fu !
From the author: 
The Lion Princess  — Journey to an Awakening is a fun exploration into a girl’s learning about herself and her world. By her courage, faith, and determination Alice is able to overcome obstacles in her quest to see the land she will one day rule as queen. She learns far more than she expected — about herself, the people who love her most, the trials of life, and the God Who created her.
The novel is unique in that it is not an animal story, per se, but an adventure where a girl dons a very realistic lion suit, joins a circus, and finds out what a struggle it is to be an animal. After Alice experiences firsthand the trials of wild animals she returns home determined to do something to relieve the suffering of all animals.
To help an animal welfare group: An incentive: “Set up a bank auto-withdrawal for six months for at least $10 a month and you will receive a free copy.” If you have a group you want to help, I can brainstorm ideas for you.

April 2, 2011

Part 3: Ran down that road

Dutchman's Breeches

Deer Run barn

Frost Blankets With Tommy in Peach Tree

Pretty's Doomed Pigs (fever)

Mirrored Lad of Sunnybank


Angus Bull

Part 2: Ran down the road

Part 2 of 3:

Take two

Meadow with A-frame, Hives and Hutches
That was then this is now: 3 aerial photographs (1)    (2)    (3)
Updated links to 4 images:





Hemlock has become a White PIne

Rabbit Watcher Waiting for the Girls to Come Home from School
That was then this is now: 3 aerial photographs (1)    (2)    (3)
updated links to 4 images:



Clover and Timothy

April 1, 2011

Red fox running down the road

Saw Gasland. On the road to Liberty a red fox came running across an empty lot and up the side of the road intent on some errand ~ I took it as the appropriate good sign.Two yellow pencils and a Segal-like figure reading a book (student work). Was relieved to see it was a film mostly about Josh Fox the character and nicely NYC-style artsy. Relieved to see him drawing no conclusions, found it  profound at points, particularly in stating, "I don't know." The congressional hearing was the best scene -- have always luv luv Degette for introducing the bill; and next, good to see what a wrought up weasel Hanger is, now that we're following his trail of tears in PA. Good, albeit weird, to hear the snip of Nellie McKay.
The invited speaker, Irvin Mesmer of Bainbridge, OH, stressed the state's intent to lease the parks to drillers.

I grew up in Damascus township and because I spent the 5 last intense years (re: 14-19) a half mile away from where at the same time Josh's parents were constructing their city get-away, and because I also scrambled for miles up and down that same Milanville stream countless times, rock-hopping, wading, painting, studying crayfish, hellgrammites, eels, oswego tea,  (past their cabin) it was very weird to see the acres of Calkins Creek/Skinner's Falls/Davis Road scenes in this context - especially the ones from that same time period. Just brought back so many memories of attitudes, and of all the places my head has been, and always since a kid being outside more than in.  And what does that mean to value the natural world more than anything, to feel it is ones' real home. All that.

Continued - PART 2: Run down the road (art images)

PART 3: Ran down that road (artwork)

Pump House/Spring House

Willie Collins House Before

The Potato Digger

Daylily and Bergamont

Winter Cornstalks on the Hill

Dee's Barn Door

Gap In The Pines/Path to A Friend's




Continued - PART 2: Run down the road (art images)

PART 3: Ran down that road (artwork)

Josh Fox's latest project - has good summary of all his projects:
(view here
http://kck.st/32AP3ue  if cannot view widget below)

February 16, 2011

Wonder of wix and forgotten surfaces on a bleak February

the wonder of flash-driven sandboxes, shovels and pails flying,
Click image to enlarge, or can see it here live

January 31, 2011

Bebop Times: Take Five

Bebop Times: Take Five: "On my 11th birthday, my dad handed me an orange album titled Time Out. 'Dave Brubeck,' he said. 'Now, this is great music. Listen to 'Take F..."

January 13, 2011

Universal Delving

Universal Delving
Originally uploaded by stormbirdstudio
Snowflake coffee,
eggs and the function of art,
war and physics and gravy on toast,
four companions on a January morning
describe in words the world about
and measure inside the space of a universe
with a burning fire.

January 4, 2011

Look brightly

Brightly looks the world to us, all wet and coloured and running into the earth so I made a tiny show of it, look though artist's eyes:

January 3, 2011

Dark terror

dying terrified in the dark,
thousands of red-winged
behind the cannon after the tornado,
arkansasians blast a hole in the new year.